Drops of Honey: A Playroom for Children on the Autism Spectrum
The Drops of Honey Playroom took special account of the needs of children on the spectrum as they have increased sensitivities to some stimuli and weakened sensations to other input. Some children are sensitive to sounds, even small ones such as an air conditioner, while others are more sensitive to bold colors. The solutions to some of the more frequent challenges to designing for individuals on the spectrum were researched and incorporated into the design. Acoustic panels to minimize sound were placed on the ceiling with lights hidden behind to filter between the gaps between the panels to prevent bright lights as a source of discomfort. The walls are muted blue and green with soft yellows in the wallpaper and wall cubbies. Wood elements and furniture, along with windows for daylight, are also used to connect the children to nature without creating distractions.
Research was also done to determine the layout of the room. Some individuals benefit from private work spaces to help them concentrate and others are better served when they interact with a group. Two individual desks were added with dividers to isolate the children who require separation and tables are available for crafts and other activities. A large bookcase and rug distinguish a zone for reading time and instruction and a large beehive serves as a “comfort zone” to give a child privacy during a meltdown.
This perspective shows the teachers desk against the wood wall. on the opposite side of the wall there are the visual and tactile schedules for the children. the bathroom door is also in that hallway (on the blue wall). The honeycomb cubbies provide storage for the children's belongings and is a convenient drop off zone when they walk through the door.
This second perspective shows the kitchen and back door to the playroom.
In the final perspective, the bookcase and rug that separate the reading and instruction zone are visible. The beehive is located in the corner. Below are the elevations for the East and North walls.